Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Upacara Pura Keluarga (Ceremony at Family Temple)

the offering left outside my cottage on the morning (6am) of the upacara

At 6:45 am I was dressed in my sarong, kebaya and temple sash ready to partake and learn about this Big ceremony that the family and friends had been preparing arduously since I had arrived.  Well, it just kept speeding up.

Bantu for the dining pavilion where i eat  my breakfast and do my email

alter in family temple (second story, above dining pavilion)

Nyoman, speedily still setting up....... her hair isn't even dry yet

the special offering for this celebration for the HOME (to eradicate demons and bad spirits)

 This upacara is to ward off all evil spirits in the home...and for its continued health and prosperity.  It may seem simplistic.... but the first and foremost credo of the Balinese is to ascertain "Where am I.... where do I belong?"  in relationship to God and community....and literally space and time. (N>S>E>W)   and that begins with Mount Agung (the Mother Temple at Besakih (you can see in  distance in one of the photos)

reaching for the holy water....from Tirta Girga (see photos from last year....... i am bathing in the sacred water)

Now what temple contains these may I ask

this is the pool that i swim in (next to family temple)Notice the 3 large sacred volcanoes in the distance (dee and i visited each one and the temples on top last year.... see photos from last year)

cutting baby coconut for water.... for ceremonial purposes

 The wafting incense, the women all working.... knowing exactly Where to put all the DETAILS of the offerings, the singing....... it's all One Big Wonderful Thing to Behold and Partake In.  What BEAUTY.  Really, it is all so aesthetic, so balanced, so particular in its Balinese-ness. Such Joy.
This is THE work in life....... all comes second to upacara.
Women spend over 75% of their lives, learning, doing, preparing and partaking in upacara.  AndTheyAllHelpOneAnother.  Now this is Community.

Priest (lower caste in white) beginning his incantations

 After this Priest's first round of incantations (lots of water and flower petal tossing), he wanted to talk.  Light spirit is how everything is done here in Bali.  I told him that i knew him from last year Galungan.... I had photos of him in the Pura Dalem.  Well this just made him so happy and excited.
He asked me for one and added, "put in a Really Big Frame!"

Women Friends and family singing

We traveled to each place and corner of the compound to bless

entry to family compound- Huge pile of offerings (which all the animals and birds partake in)

Now this is funny and TYPICALHe arrived 10 minutes before the ceremony is to end (he was sleeping) and immediately sits down in the temple to TEXT!!!!!  He is 15 years old...... the youngest of Nyoman and Ina's children.  
Komang- No # 3  child- TEXTING IN TEMPLE

FAMILY praying,  they then invited me........and yes  favorite part of the ceremony

Kadek who their middle daughter was helping her mother non-stop.  Jero, (who is mother to Ayu) remained in the kitchen..... i thought because she is married and now LIVES with her husband's family..... but i was told it's because she is of a HIGHER CASTE
Holy book for songs and prayers

 We then went downstairs and everyone was invited for a most delicious Balinese festival feast......... really good green beans, peanuts and chilis (complex) and veggies and tofu and they all gasped when they saw the amount of sambal that i took on my plate....... super super hot hot chilis  (yep i love it).  I Skipped the LAWAR (see former post) and all the non-vegetarian foods  (there were many)
What an extraordinary morning I had..... I feel so blessed to be here and adopted by this life is richer for it
p.s. Dee did not attend as she was still sick!
travelin' woman

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