Sunday, January 29, 2012

Bali Bird park

this hornbill was very Interested in my Earring (natch!)

 I usually stay away from the tourist places ("Mom" says Dee.... this looks like marineworld for Birds!" but i was a little desperate.  more than a little desperate......... Diandra ,Jantuk and I had just visited a balian (healer) and it had not gone too well.  So, I thought the BirdPark would allow us to walk around in nature and see avian beauty. And Diandra indulged  wandered around quite astounded.
(unfortunately it was Chinese New Year and everyone had the same idea....busloads)      It was outrageously expensive but we surrendered....... and did enjoy seeing the birds of Indonesia, Bali and of course the Komodo dragon..... whereas Diandra immediately pressed upon me bring it home........
like no other pigeon i've ever seen!

the largest Pelican (he could have swooped up diandra)
my old friends the scarlet and green macaw (not from Bali!)

beloved cockatoo

flamingos.... but not pink- no crill to eat

the astounding Komodo dragon..... looking quite sanguine

Bird Woman is resurrected

another hornbill

I thought i was stalking a cassowary.... but no it's a Crane? (who knew?)

what a startling color of blue grey they were: nestling lovebirds:pigeons

can't you just get a little excited...... and spread your tail??????

Don't go Away!
It's also a breeding center.  i am ignorant of the real workings of this "park" (is it a zoo buying animals it should not be (leave them Alone!) or is it rescuing sick, injured or previously owned birds...... i had trouble ascertaining the real situation...... but i did not 
push it...... i had my own agenda that day: bird therapy 
travelin' woman

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