Friday, January 13, 2012

My teaching experience at the Bumi Sehat Youth Center

My student Yoga from my basic class on Tuesday and Thursday
As my mother has written in an earlier post I am volunteering at the Youth Center branch of Bumi Sehat teaching English. The Youth Center provides free English classes for students ages 10 to 20. The classes are after school, and are completely voluntary (meaning the students actually really and truly want to be there and learn!!!!!!) I teach 4 classes each week at the Youth Center as well as teaching twice a week at a local preschool. At the Youth Center classes are Monday-Thursday. Classes are either Mon and Wed or Tues and Thurs. There are two class blocks from 3 to 430 and then from 430 to 6.I teach with a teachers aide, who is a Balinese student with bagus (excellent) English! (It is especially helpful to have them to help with speaking Indonesian to the students in lower levels who can't understand much English yet).

There are three levels of class, Preparation, Basic, and Intermediate. Preparation and Basic are 6 month courses and Intermediate is a one year class. There is also an Advanced class (called Magic class) that is for the teachers' aides.  Preparation class starts with the alphabet, numbers, and basic words and introductions. Basic is English grammar (the hardest level in my opinion). Intermediate focuses on more difficult vocabulary and conversation skills.

I teach two preparation classes, a basic class, and an intermediate class ( it is really nice that I get to teach ALL levels). I know a teacher should never choose favorites, and I do enjoy all of my classes, but I would say that my favorite is my Basic class. I think I like it because the kids are all really smart, really enthusiastic, and it is a super small class (only 7 students).
my basic class, students Yoga, Budi, Dewi, Febri, and Sintia (left to right)
Febri writing a sentence and then identifying the parts of speech (they are are EXTREMELY good at this!!!)
My teacher's aide in my Basic class Indra
I have really enjoyed teaching, and look forward to my next two weeks continuing this adventure!
More from the travelin student teacher/guest blogger extraordinaire Diandra to come post will be FOOOOOOOD of course.

travelin' woman

1 comment:

  1. Love seeing the pictures of the ceremonies & Deandra teaching- a great way to see if this is her passion. Incredible prep for the ceremonies you describe so well. Paul & I took Ted shopping yesterday, and I will be printing out your travel blog so he can see & read all about your adventures. Be well!
