Saturday, January 7, 2012

Intrepid Travel-starting with Ooty: Hill Station

For the second time in my life of travel.....I took a tour. (first was for Bhutan; they require it for entry) It's just not my style.....i like to linger.... and looking beneath the veneer of a place.  But, I had trepidation with India (see: original post) and this seemed like a solution.  I booked with Australian travel group, Intrepid because it offers a lot of free time, small groups (12 max), uses only local guides , creates " mingling" opportunities and is Really Really Cheap. (about $100-125@day)  The great part about this tour is that it came with CHARLES, our truly intrepid leader.  Born in Madurai, Charles is your India of NOW.  So smart, industrious, (his first year of college he started a business for widows (his mom) sewing these Terrific over the shoulder bags.  They are made So well and are so comfy......i use it daily.  He is attempting to study in Perugia in May so that he is the "go to" guy for the Italians.  He will learn the barrista biz and open up a cafe in Madurai....... and he will then open a hotel in Periyar....... a tourist mecca for Indians as well as foreigners.  Is this pie in the SKY?  Nope..... not what I witnessed.  His people skills are extraordinary. He is a very quick learner...... and boy can he manage tough stuff (later on I will discuss the Damn Dam.......... political machinations that closed borders/demonstrations....but Charles got us through....and helped every other tour guide ( including those not Intrepid.)
And this guy knows how to party.  Every night.  Yes he is only 25.....and very very Ambitious!  It was Charles that helped each and every one of us through our travails.  Everyone got really really sick (*except me)..... but I had my own problems....... as in my Mastercard was rejected for 5 days in all ATM machines. Late each night I was on the phone (SKYPE) with my bank........... it took five grueling days.
the marketplace in Ooty (Ootacamund formally)

Don't Smell the Flowers....... they believe the power is then removed from them!

garlands for puja.....i wore one in my hair in Chennai when I prayed

come for a taste of Smiles..... look at all the different kind of aubergine (eggplants)

the famous train in Ooty.....beautiful views

the rest of the Intrepid crew

endless tea plantations...... the tree is a silver oak that is the companion plant.  it holds and releases water for the tea "shrub" (actually a tree constantly pruned)

views from the train

colorful village houses

love the Sanskrit script...... influences my  drawing

went on a tour of a plantation....... Yummy Masala Chai (filled with cardamom and cloves)......but they use tons of chemicals here to grow!

Animist Hindu temple for indigenous hill tribe

in native garb

The not -so- wonderful part of the 2 week tour..... it's a Fu$%#(*****$?>>>>)(!!!!!!!king tour. OMG! So much Huge India...... on public transportation... (EEEEEKS the Toilets on the trains)...great distances.....
each day moving..........with the Billion +.  It all worked out well.....incredible FOOD (Charles would take us out for "street food".....and he knew where it would be safe....and you have not LIVED until you eat Indian street food.  Crispy , tandoor cauliflower, Vada : chickpea flour small donuts, with savory onion,garlic + broccoli mixed into dough.... then eaten with coconut chutney and chili pepper sambar.  Yes, I got my maximum amount of Vitamin G (Grease) in India.  I ate more fried food in those 5 weeks than i have eaten my entire life. The stuffed parathas with potato, the dosas dipped in soupy lentils  (sambar) +turnip.     There is a world of Indian sweets..... but they are Way Too Sugary. ..... for me (more diabetes in India than any other country).

So I digressed into culinary wonders..... does anyone mind?
Why not dig out your favorite Indian cookbook this evening and make some Dhal?  With some nice brown rice...... buy a little Major Grey's mango chutney....... and it will be a nice reminder of why India never took over the world.  They were too busy creating some of the most layered and nuanced well as attending to pujas.... and temple ceremonies....their 8 incarnations of deities..... their dance, music, yoga,meditation and painting......not to mention all those Kama Sutra poses!
But................... India is changing...... and the White Tiger is Loose. (call your mastercard toll free #....... it's Mumbai at your service)

travelin' woman

1 comment:

  1. trekking in india

    The Himalayas, home of the snow, is the most impressive system of mountains on the earth, and for centuries the setting for epic feats of exploration.
