Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Becoming Balinese (almost)

the outside festivities of Tegallatand
 I am spending most of my waking hours going to Upacara. Different Ones: each day.
This is what I mean by stating that i am becoming Balinese.
There are two major obstacles to this....that I see:
1- My body just cannot squeeze into a 16"x16" space , sitting down in prayer position for hours on end.  First, one limb goes numb and I gingerly try and stretch it out without kicking any beautifully clad Balinese Ibu, then eventually the second goes numb, or my toes Get It........ bodies were Not Meant To Be Still, (only minds).                                                                                                     #2- I Am Helpless when it comes to Really Helping the Women Prepare.....And This Is What the Women Do. All that small hand coordination of creating beauty.  What do I know.?.... I Paint With my Whole Body.
the great banyan tree
But let's get down to the real becoming Balinese:
a- i am in dire worry over my sarong at all times: it always feels like it's going to come undone....... and it can often 
get swept by one leg....leaving a lot of the other leg  EXPOSED........{i know when this happens because any male of any age no longer looks me in the eye...... because their eyes are looking at my calf.....or god-forbid my Thigh- considered  highly erotic by the Balinese}  I Fear My Knee showing.  
b.-  I am a Woman of the Senses: 
Lovely Ibu sharing her "sari" with me" (flower petals for praying)  notice the "chanel" bag.... and her gorgeous gold broach is hidden  behind paper.
 I am always hot  and sweaty in Bali..... especially sitting in the outdoor temple in mid day ,when in is 90 degrees and 90% humidity. My people are not tropical people.  And all the Smells.  Yes, the different fragrances of the incense are transporting..... but underneath  and competing are the smells of  All those roasted Pigs .chickens. whatever- melting along with me in the heat.  Not to mention the sacrifices. And the cigarettes  So what do I do......when I am patiently(?) waiting for hours in the midday sun for the next part of the ceremony to continue ........ I Watch The Kids.   And they never fail to amuse me with utter joy!
the 8 year old pyromaniac sitting next to me

You want rough housing..... you got rough housing

the beauty never never stops amazing me

watch out for this one in about 10 years

Let's Play

And they are beautiful and generous on the inside too

travelin' woman

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