Sunday, February 12, 2012

What the *#@"+ ?

Blog as Therapy : Extrapolating  catharsis

Is anyone listening
(don't tell me you didn't know?)

1. Travelers/tourists who do not tip for services rendered.
Whether they "cannot afford it", or don't want to is irrespective of the circumstance.  The first adage of travel is courtesy and respect.  If you cannot abide these common courtesies; stay home. People in the tourist/service industry Depend on tips for their Livelihood. It really sickens  me to observe this. (and we are speaking about cents usually.... not even dollars)

2. Travelers/tourists who haggle to the point of unfairness; for bragging rights.
Yes in many countries it is proforma to haggle on practically
everything. And I do not expect to pay what a local pays,
since the standard of living is so dramatically different.  And I do Get Ripped Off a lot.  But, to watch a foreigner beat down a price (and we are talking small amounts of money to begin with......) to the point that it is a Power Play and really a deprivation again of earning a Living... this really disgusts me, and in a larger sense provokes the guilt of colonial exploitations.

3.Large groups of tourists: Unconscious. 25-40 people just standing there, in the middle of a walkway, staring blankly into space, in a bubble unaware that there is a world of people interacting  around them.  Either it is Pure Ego, or a complete lack of how to act, or a pathological Disconnect from their person hood.  The mentality of group travel is Most Unconscious/Disturbing.
(there's a study somewhere.....)  
My friend + driver Jantuk says that they only respond to their leader waving a flag; like bebik (ducks) in the rice paddies and their herder! 
Conditioned tourists...... what are They drinking?
They  are really missing the whole Concept of traveling.

4.Disrespect with dress (getting a theme here?)
Tourists/travelers who do not care or have not even taken the time to learn some basics about the country they are visiting.
Life is not a BEACH. The hubris of ME, the certitude of the individual and "my rights" and not caring......because they are foreign and different standards apply.  As a traveler, one is an ambassador from the outside.  Both men and women need to adjust their mode of decorum..... or just find SOME.
You don't need a burkha....... but shorts/skirt/dress just barely covering your bum and a bikini top/belly- showing- shirt is OFFENSIVE to the people who you have come to see, meet and hopefully learn something from.  And you will be treated differently, no matter your age or assets.  I have witnessed too many Mature Men + Mature Women dressed truly inappropriately. (actually for anywhere, except the privacy of their home)

5. Dread locks- Is this a generational thing?  I am so sick of seeing travelers/tourists with masses of Dirty Rope emerging from their heads.....sometimes all tied up so that it looks like a really frightening Pineapple erupting form the top of their head. And the newest transmogrification of this "do"..... both males and Females Shave the sides of their head so you've got the "concentration camp/ cancer patient " look on the sides.... and then low and behold in a moment of schizophrenia, the dreadlock thang again spewing  it's way up through the 7th Chakra (the head).

(try sitting next to someone at a restaurant as they  "shake it loose"  )......Ugh...... 
Do they ACTUALLY  think this is Attractive????????????
And please clue me in to what "Statement" they are making

Alright you know I haven't finished this blog.....the content  just keeps fermenting in the pit of  my stomach..... and low and know it too will Detonate eventually.....
into the forum of me traveling.......and venting....the good, the bad....and the PLAIN UGLY>

travelin' woman

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