Saturday, February 5, 2011

Women work

Hard Physical Work....... all over the world..... and here in Bali. no exception.  I've seen the men carry the knife (scythe) and the woman be the beast of burden carrying a sack of grass larger than herself.

They work everyday, all day in the incredible heat, rain, wind carrying these heavy rocks....... ending up with some very bent spines and necks.  I see this crew all over town. And we always greet one another and talk about the HEAT! (and they always ask me where I am going)

 Well this is my sight outside of my cottage.  I've been here 4 months and it's harvesting time. I've seen the entire cycle. hear the singing and the camaraderie ...... and i witness some back breaking work.

And then there are the crazy vociferous DUCKS.  They are herded each morning (yes, my wake up QUACK)to cultivate the soil, eat those worms and insects. clean up the paddie and of course POOP>
Ready for the cycle to begin again.
It's quite a sight.  All by hand.  Don't let that grain of rice fall on the floor.............

travelin' woman

1 comment:

  1. Wow, great pictures! It's amazing how much of the work burden falls to women wherever they live, but especially in third world cultures- reminds me of Bolivia.
