Friday, February 18, 2011

Klungkung- the last holdout to colonialism-

Palace at Klungkung
Bali was the last island to be colonized by the Dutch.  The Dutch (remember the East Indies Company- natural resources, especially spices) had been in the Indies for 4-500 years (and English also). The Dutch gained a strong hold in northern Bali, Singaraja in the second half of the 19th century, but were unable to conquer Bali,  in the southern part of the island.  Bali had "regencies"/ Raja's with a strong caste and feudal system stemming from Mahajapit Hinduism from Java. 

statue outside puri/palace

these are scenes from the Mahabarata (epic Hindu poem)

paintings on ceiling of bale (outside pavilion)

Klungkung looms so large in the mind and psyche.In 1908 as the Dutch were overtaking each territory it was this Raja who gathered his family and court together and decreed that a "puputan" would be their response to the Dutch. As the Dutch approached, each man woman and child, dressed in white, carrying their keris/kris (wavy bladed knife) marched in procession into the awaiting Dutch and their firepower. The King was carried on his throne.  They had one firearm (ancient). They chose suicide, instead of oppression.  It was a complete massacre. The King was shot first.  One Dutch soldier was killed by a woman.  The entire royal family and entourage perished.
As I stay longer in Bali (and Indonesia) and learn about their history, it becomes clearer as to what has influenced their 
their lives and what the essential Balinese character is comprised of.  I have a deep respect for the Balinese.  I hope that they have a lasting influence on my character.
yoga anyone?

my favorite god from the Ramayana- the bird who is sent to kill the kidnapper of Sita (he is turn is killed)

notice the knives; the men are preparing a lawar; ceremonial food


battle scene: notice the twisting of the elephant's trunks

beautifully carved door
After the palace we headed to the bright and bustling market.
It soon became apparent that this was the central market for ceremonial objects, including those needed for cremation.
It was a huge market.......... and no one was remotely interested in me........ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
That made it even more pleasurable!
Huge beautiful market in Klungkung- it was the full moon ceremony last night- these were the special offerings

Ibu making offerings (to sell)- weaving coconut boxes

Ibu also making delicate coconut frond offering decorations with frangipani blossoms

travelin' woman

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