Monday, January 14, 2013

The Roar of the Ocean-La Jolla

Settling in quite nicely into digs on the ocean, surrounded by that aural wonder; the roar of waves crashing. I must say it's a nice counterpoint to southern California's insane traffic, which for me has always been a major hindrance to this feeling like home, (not to mention the very conservative politics). But enough's a very interesting landscape and the sun shines each day.

the undulating coastline, infinitely interesting

I walk each day looking out into the ocean for the spouting of a whale migrating, or a pod of dolphins.  This is a very busy place as it is the the most visited  site in southern California.  I hear every language spoken and watch the toddlers harass the seagulls until the bird flies off.

Low tide reveals sculpture a la Noguchi, Moore and Nadelman
One walks  and jumps over the revealed landscape
looking at the tidal pools left behind and all the creatures
the pelicans are plentiful

They  are like prehistoric pterodactals, diving at a velocity that belies their awkward shape.
the seals are photographed more than the Kardashians

black cormorants 
who doesn't worship the sun?
sleeping like sweet pups (don't be fooled)
The seals do their water acrobatics all morning, barking and nudging one another. Jumping over each other in frolicking escapades.  In the afternoon they become Snarky and a Bully always emerges and pushes a competitor off the rocks.  They go head to head in mouth wrestling.  They are fascinating to watch.
i relate to these seals; we're thick in the middle and o! so graceful in the water!

i spread my yoga mat each morning, and begin my sun salutations divining the wind,surf +sun

the camelia bush outside my door

Each evening at around 4:30 the crowds really flock to the coast. The daily ritual of watching the sun descend into the ocean is the ritual that does not disappoint.  At a little past 5 the globe sinks beneath the horizon and then the colors roar ,spread, elongate for the next 30 minutes.

YES, this is the sight from my window each evening...... but they are like the snowflakes, each one unique

My Dad, Ted is doing alright. At 96, he and many of his generation display miraculous health; great fortune because he is still able to live his life on his own terms. I visit him daily and we talk, play Scrabble, look at family photos,listen to music and reminisce lovingly about Zena.

I bring Dad a kale,apple,ginger,carrot lemon  juice from Whole Foods.  He looks at it skeptically, but ultimately drinks it!

 He is having some problems with his feet and we both hope this will dissipate and I'll be able to take him to the village so that we can hear music and he can walk the paths at the Cove.

travelin' woman

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