Friday, March 25, 2011

Reflections on a journey well traveled

 a few photos of the glorious sculptured, life giving and life supporting rice paddies
entering Pura Kawi

a close up of a Balinese woman making an offering in the paddies of Tampaksiring ; ancient site- Kawi

majestic fields of life- RICE

As I close out this blog (until traveling/volunteering recommences in Nov. or Dec.2011) I thought  I would try to convey for my benefit as well as yours how this experience has impacted me.

It's all innate.

It is about  reaffirmation. 

I too struggle with duality.  Coming of age during Vietnam + Watergate as well as ascribing to the world's fate through
the eyes of Hannah Arendt (a pessimistic view of the human condition and the evils in which we are conditioned, by biological  limitations + destiny).

Yet, the more I sense our cumulative seduction by consumerism, technology and external desires I have been heartened to reevaluate and experience a worldwide phenomenon, albeit ....grassroots, underground and counter culture.
The great leap forward......... evolutionary wise to a more humane world.......... not by necessarily wholesale rejection of technology, but certainly an embracing of an internal voice and spirit to live on our planet with greater respect toward Gaia, nature and the species that inhabit it.

And this is my reaffirmation.  With spirit guiding me I would like to honor the sacredness of life, moment to moment.
The Balinese are not "backwards" or "primitive".........( in  fact I believe we will begin to re-evaluate the language we use for indigenous peoples, as it is too are paternalistic,  condescending and simplistic.)  I have witnessed a culture that values the inner life and living each day with others,  They are Awake and respectful to this conscious identity that is sacred.

Somehow, the seduction and primacy of technology has superceded the connection, the heart connection between human to human.  This has been our evolution in the past 10,000 years.  We need to re-establish Real Humanity.
Or we will destroy the "human" in "being".

travelin' woman
Tegalalang- beautiful terracing outside of Ubud

I am off to the desert to see it in bloom.

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