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For Ariel's birthday, she had decided that she was ready to get over her trauma of water (an incident 35 years ago) and therefore it was decided to go to Pemuteran, west Bali, specifically Menjangan Island (Deer Island) for snorkeling.
Since it is one of the most popular blogs (analytics for blogspot reports), "Under the Bali Sea with Cerulean Starfish" I thought I'd give an update.
Last time I was there (see Blog, Feb.2012) it was a wondrous experience for me, memorable and awe inspiring and most possibly one of those times where the earth's diversity of life can be witnessed on a level rarely possible.
I was so aware of this at the time..........
I am here to report a death.
The coral reef off of Menjangan Island is now, 2 years later 80% DEAD.
2010 has been the warmest year on record (the ten warmest years since the weather tracking have been since 1998)
I am not saying that the warming of the ocean, the loss of the ozone and an increase in salinity are the the Only reasons for this loss; those in the know have alluded to "mismanagement" . It is part of Bali's one and only National Park.
Too many boats , and snorkelers and divers who do NOT KNOW how their behavior impacts the life and death of coral. As in Do Not Stand on or touch coral (oil on our fingers), no lotion (I wear sarong + tshirt so I don't get burned as opposed to wearing SPF lotion) etc etc.
I cannot tell you how truly SADDENED I am . And angry.
yes there were plenty of colorful fish...... but for how long?
(although I only saw 2 clown fish and their sea anemone)
Their food source is being depleted.
80% two years later.
All of those fan coral (cinnabar colored), ribbon coral (chartreuse,gold, royal ,purple,etc), ...... the coral reef was mostly dun colored..... as opposed to the gorgeous composition of colors and textures. It lay broken and annihilated .
I will speak with DR. Bayu who runs the NGO, FNP (Friends of National Parks) and is responsible for the mating and protection and reintroduction of Bali's national bird, the Bali starling. Perhaps he can tell me more. There has been marine conservation here for the last couple of years (in the south of the island).
yes, there is "electric current" technology to re-start the growth........ but WHY has this happened so Dramatically in such a short time???????????????????????????
loss and tragedy,
another beautiful place on our earth extinguished.
I mourn for this (and so much more)
Let's be caretakers..............
travelin' woman