Thursday, May 30, 2013

Diandra's Graduation from Bard College

Diandra and her project advisor Professor Sarah Dunphy-Lelii

What a joyous weekend it was. Celebrating Diandra's graduation from Bard, where she spent 4 years thriving.
She majored in Psychology and her Senior Project was titled, 
" The Moderating Effect of Siblings on the Relationship Between Theory of Mind and Executive Function in Preschool Children" 
(ask her about it; I have a copy of it but have yet to read it.....not saying that after I read it I'll be any more intelligent to answer any questions,though)

right after the 3 hour ceremony
It was unseasonably Freezing and Windy and Rainy the entire weekend,but nothing could dampen the feelings of happiness and accomplishment for Diandra.
Diandra's  father, Martin and mother, Phiphi
Dee + Claire posing in the COLD
Dee ,John + Kye

"King" Botstein (President, Renaissance man and rainmaker for 35+ years)

Dana + Diandra -great friends since they were 3
Dana's mom Peggy is on the dance faculty at Bard
Gabby Giffords was the commencement "speaker"

The first person to get up to speak was Mark Kelly (astronaut) and husband of Gabrielle Giffords.  He spoke for a very long time about courage and perseverance.  It became obvious why as he helped his wife to the podium.
She struggled to get two sentences formed and spoken.
She certainly exhibited courage and perseverance.

Her husband, Mark Kelly

travelin' woman
Peggy and Dana at dinner  the night before
Dee and Mom at dinner at "Gigi's"

Diandra slurping oysters